Since placing our first billboards in March of 2019 Sioux Falls Area Right to Life has placed 28 billboards which have created over 20 million positive Pro Life impressions in and around Sioux Falls. Our hope is that through these inspirational messages the sanctity of Life is lifted up and others are educated that life does in fact begin before birth.
The FIRST placement of a Permanent Pro-Life Billboard was first located on a cold day in January, 2020 and completed Dec. 23rd, 2021. With the help of many dedicated volunteers, including donated equipment and poles, and in cooperation with local and state governments, our vision for a permanent message was realized. We offer special thanks to the couple who donated the land and site along I-29 north of Dell Rapids, SD.
Do you want to help? We are now looking for 3 more spots of commercial land east, west and south of Sioux Falls. Donations towards the next three signs are very welcome. Please let us know if you or your organization would like to support these efforts. You can do so for as little as $250 when you partner in this community outreach and education initiative. Together, let's make this year one for LIFE!
(For tax deduction purposes, make checks out to "South Dakota Right to LIFE Education Fund" and memo "SF Billboards".)